Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Really Need to Blog More

So I suppose I will. Had a chill New Year's. No hopeless romantic optimism in sight for 2011. I will take it as it comes I suppose. What else can you do? Last year was incredibly hard, but I would like to think I have grown and I know myself a hell of a lot better. But then again, the older I get the more I realize, I know just about squat. Score to Aristotle. I think I will do a Descartes-like experiment, not throwing out everything I believe to be true, cause he didn't really but that is a rant for another day; I think I will simply suspend most of my so-called beliefs. Not to where I believe in nothing, but where I am completely open to the possibilities that they could be dead wrong, and there may be more out there. So here goes nothing 2011, let's see what you have to bring. Damn, I am feeling all hopeful and optimistic again. I really need to stop that....

Coming soon to Changeling Press...

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